ISSN (Online) : 2319-7722         ISSN (Print) : 2319-7714
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
Category : Volume-13 ~ Issue-9

Livelihoods and Resource Management in Tanguar Haor: Addressing Socioeconomic Vulnerabilities and Enhancing Sustainable Development
Sharmin Akther Liza File Size 482 KB
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Exploring support systems for the prevention of drugs and substance use relapse at Chikurubi Psychiatric Hospital in Zimbabwe
Ison Ndoro, Fortunate Chokani File Size 202 KB
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The Unseen Epidemic: Bad Touching Faced By Women of Valley of Kashmir in Public Transport
Asiya Shamah Bashir File Size 222 KB
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From Real to Reel: A Study of the Biopics of Virginia Woolf and Sylvia Plath
Dr. Poulomi Mitra File Size 228 KB
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Logique De Choix Des Loisirs Deviants Par Les Jeunes D'abobo Pk18 Agoueto
BINI Koffi Roland, YA Kouame Akissi Ines, SETONDJI Desire File Size 903 KB
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The subtitling for the deafand hard of hearing. A literature review in the field of audiovisual translation
Zurita Tellechea Andrea Alejandra File Size 281 KB
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Empowering Aging Caregivers: The Role of Social Capital in Disability Care
Amrutha P, Dr.K.Sathyamurthi File Size 284 KB
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Migration, Economic Policy, and Urban Labor in India Since 1991
Upasana Singh File Size 341 KB
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Gender and caste wise differences in educational aspirations Among Higher Secondary School Students
Rajila M, Dr Rekha P File Size 353 KB
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Dramaturgy of Political Actors on Social Media
Hafri Yuliani, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, Susiyanto, Wahyudi File Size 262 KB
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El impacto de la industria del K-pop en jovenes mujeres de Villahermosa, Tabasco
Elizabeth Perez Aguilar, Gabriela Hidalgo Quinto File Size 281 KB
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Navigating Information Disruption: A Study of Students Social Construction in the Social Media Landscape
Mely Eka Karina, Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, Susiyanto, Wahyudi File Size 190 KB
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Study of Adjustment and Intelligence - A Comparative Study of Tribal and Non-Tribal Adolescents
Balaji. B, Haseena.S, L. K. Reddy File Size 435 KB
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Hume's Problem: Can Ought Be Derived from Is?
Solomon Appel File Size 305 KB
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An Analysis of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) initiatives in Gauteng Province
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Usage Du Français Et Sensibilisation De Masse En Cote D'ivoire
N'GUESSAN Kouassi Akpan Desiré, GUEYE Maty File Size 366 KB
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IJHSSI Citation Report New
  All Since 2012
 Citation  185 180
 h-index 11 10
 i10-index 3 3

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About Us : International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention is an international journal intended for professionals and researchers...
Call for paper : Authors are invited to submit manuscript reporting original research and review in this field. submitted manuscript must be in technical english...
Online submission : The Journal publishes original research work either as a Full Research Paper or as a Review Articles....
Journal Indexing: Our journal has recently joined International Database for Indexing with DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Open J Gate, CAS, Google Scholar, WAME...